ALL SALES FINAL (you’ll eat those carrots and like em!)

Last week I posted a sign I saw in the small, local grocery store I patronize. I’m back with a new one from the same place, of a slightly different ilk. I have to preface this by saying that while I do very much appreciate this particular store, largely for its convenience and good price/sales, the produce section is often dismal. For example, I might find Romaine lettuce that’s not old-n-rotty® on every third visit. Two weeks ago I reached into the zucchini bin and my finger went right through one of them. Ewww. (I used to joke privately, and not too charitably, that the store’s motto must be “We will sell no produce before its time.”)

They also have a discounted produce bin. Honestly, it’s usually pretty scary. A large, chain grocery store would put this stuff in the garbage, but not this store! Despite myself, I usually glance at the discounted offerings because once in a very great while I find something worth buying. (Although now that I think about it I’m not quite sure when that last would have been…)

On the weekend I walked through produce and noticed a new, handwritten sign on the discounted bin, the one in the center.


In case you don’t understand ALL SALES FINAL they break it down even further.


Gee, that doesn’t sound too friendly. But what it really says to me is that customers have been trying to return this sad produce. Um, I don’t get that at all because it’s not like the store hides the shape these discounted vegetables and fruits are in (unlike some of the “regular” produce, which sometimes gets turned over by staff to hide icky spots, ahem). I mean, hell I took two quick photos of reduced items just to show you.


I THINK those are carrots of some kind



If I’m not mistaken the tiny white spots on the potatoes look like MOLD


I’m with the store on this one. I figure if you buy something out of this bin you can’t claim you didn’t KNOW what you were getting. It’s hardly fair to bring it back saying it was bad; you bought it bad.

17 thoughts on “ALL SALES FINAL (you’ll eat those carrots and like em!)

  1. battlewagon13

    My son works in the produce section of a major chain grocery store while he’s in college – and believe me the stories he tells of that environ would be enough to swear you off produce forever. Suddenly McDonald’s doesn’t look nearly as bad.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. writerinsoul Post author

      That’s right, I remember you saying this before. Is nothing sacred??! I wash everything I buy but I don’t really think it helps much. When I remember I use vinegar/water. By the way, you’ve been missing from your blog, hope all is OK.


  2. C.E.Robinson

    Omg…can stores really sell rotting produce? Health codes prevent it in the US. Well, not that all stores comply. I’ve seen some over ripe produce in good quality stores. They just reduce the price. You’re got to be careful! Look at expiration dates & “handle” produce. Merry Christmas, Colette. 🎄🎄🎄Christine


    1. writerinsoul Post author

      Oh these produce items have expiration dates; it’s just that they’ve come & gone! And the funny part is I don’t live in a “food dessert” whatsoever (where people can’t be too particular).


  3. Ron Walker

    White spots on the Taters? The whole item looked moldy. They are all crazy, and we are better off not knowing most of the time. WARNING: Barf-bag alert! A friend a couple years back worked at McDonalds here. She said one night a bird got in and flew into the french fry cooker. The manager just scooped it out and told them to carry on. I’ve seen a whole chicken package sitting in a return buggy at Wal-Mart. I couldn’t bring myself to think they probably just take it back to the meat department and toss it back in the cooler.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Maggie Wilson

    It’s a sign of the times in more ways than one, yes? “Food insecurity” is the newer, sanitized term that I’ve seen bandied about lately – I suppose the store is trying to prevent good food from going to landfill just because of a blemish or wilt or icky bit. But this stuff is borderline compost!

    As for the “sales final” sign – some times it needs to be spelled out, eh? And even then, EVEN THEN, people will ask for a refund. I sympathize with the retailer on this one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. writerinsoul Post author

      Maggie,they SELL blemished and “icky bit” produce in their regular non-discounted produce; you’re right that this stuff is pushing it! They even include bagged lettuces, the ones that are prewashed, and that really seems like inviting trouble. Maybe the next sign will have to be “Eat at Your Own Risk (store assumes no liability).”



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