Who the hell is this person and what does she write about?

I wrote this blog for seven years exactly. I loved posting here and “meeting” other bloggers along the way, the latter of which was something I didn’t initially realize was a crucial part of blogging. As years went on I began to feel more ambivalent and ultimately my feelings about WordPress itself changed so that I decided to stop writing new posts in 2021.

I chose the name WriterInSoul because I believed in a sense I was revealing what I consider my truest self: in my essence I am a writer.  (“InMyEssenceIAmAWriter” would have made an unwieldy and not particularly great or memorable blog name and to paraphrase WordPress’s advice: “Take heed kids! You want a name people will remember.”)

My writing on WriterInSoul is generally personal and autobiographical. For seven years I weighed in on a variety of topics as well as threw down a lot of humor.  I am proud of the work I did on this blog and for that reason I am not taking it down or “hiding” it. There’s good stuff here  – 995 posts in all – that I think more often than not transcends the specific time period (2014-2021) in which it was written.  I hope you’ll take a look around.

P.S. WordPress tells me that they post occasional ads on my blog just so’s you know. I am sorry but since I am cheap I won’t pony up the money to make them go away.

45 thoughts on “Who the hell is this person and what does she write about?

  1. anntogether.com

    I have pages of blog names before I arrived at the obvious one form me – and when I decided upon it – I couldn’t believe it wasn’t taken already – I like your blog name, it’s just ‘write’ 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. writerinsoul Post author

      Well thanks! I think I may have been confused and didn’t realize the blog name could be different from my user name. But coming up with TWO unused names would have really taxed me. Glad you got yours. –Colette


      1. anntogether.com

        Sadly, I wasn’t confused – I couldn’t believe some of the names I thought of were taken – some of the names were kind of quirky…many quirky people out there – I guess that’s what makings blogging so very interesting!


  2. Curlydaz

    After reading your ‘boys don’t make passes’ article a few things occurred to me. Your eyelid looks fine in your picture (as eyelids go.)
    That women in glasses look attractive, sometimes more so, than those without (not that this could or should have any bearing on a woman’s reason for choosing to wear them.)
    Finally, you are funny, observant and sharp as a tack – thanks for brightening up the blogosphere.


    1. writerinsoul Post author

      Ain’t you sweet?! (Sincerely, thank you. What a generous compliment. You too seem observant and not just for saying that!) I am happy to report no eyelid deformity – can’t remember what my complaint was – and agree with your take on glasses. It helps that styles are SO much improved since those of decades ago

      I’m liking what I’m reading on your blog too; more comments and likes sure to come.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dennis Wagoner

    I have been enjoying your blog for quite some time now so I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. If you wish, you can look at the rules on my blog post which will pop in at about 2am EDT on 10/5. If you choose not to, that is no problem. Just to say, you have a very good blog and I enjoy the reads!


  4. ninamishkin

    Terrific “About” intro, Colette. I also very much enjoyed the piece about walking to your lifeguard job with your mother — and shall certainly return to read more! 😀


  5. markbialczak

    You liked a comment I made today, so I clicked on your name and checked on your blog. I just gave myself a Christmas present. You have a new follower. Keep up the interesting writing. Merry and Happy, writerinsoul.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. JC

    Thanks for liking my reply to Running From This Place. You’ve got a nice site. I took your advice and read some of Short Thoughts. It’s amazing how you can say so much in just a few lines!

    Liked by 1 person

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  9. Pingback: You said it would be fun. Where’s the fun? | The Zombies Ate My Brains

  10. Intuition Calling!

    Every once in a while when I need a great laugh I look for one of your posts but alas and alack, there has been no sightings of any posts from our dear Colette. My only thought could be that you have been on an extended vacation where wifi does not exist in some exotic locale…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: The Happiness Tag | That's What Anxious Mom Said

  12. Pingback: WriterInSoul is 5 | WriterInSoul

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