Short Thought 133 (things)

I’m at a point in my life where I think I get equal pleasure from acquiring things and getting rid of things. I wonder if the pendulum will keep swinging in favor of getting rid of stuff or whether I’ve reached a state of constancy. Admittedly, the delight of new ownership has not left me but then again, I’m jaded enough to know not many things live up to their original promise. It’s the odd things that do… I remain thrilled with a tuna strainer and a battery tester. Who would think?

13 thoughts on “Short Thought 133 (things)

  1. D. Wallace Peach

    The pendulum continues to swing. I think as the soul becomes freer, things begin to take on weight. And I’m not talking about your lovely tuna strainer, but all those other things that we stuff into closets, attics, and storage rental units. It’s just stuff.

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    1. writerinsoul Post author

      Oh no, I get you. I have shed much but at the same time permit myself a few things I never used to. I recognize a most highly evolved person would not need much or be sucked into consumer culture. I, on the hand, sometimes think as long as I have a body (and wants & desires) and am not just a consciousness, I might as well use & enjoy some of its perks. –Colette

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